Evaluating the Harmonized Digital Forensic Investigation Process Based on Call Detail Records


  • KHAWERIS KHAULA Military College of Signals, National University of Sciences & Technology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
  • IMRAN TOUQIR Military College of Signals, National University of Sciences & Technology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
  • MUHAMMAD FAISAL AMJAD Military College of Signals, National University of Sciences & Technology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
  • MUHAMMAD RIAZ MUGHAL Mirpur University of Sciences & Technology, Mirpur, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan.


Mobile Forensics, Digital Forensic Investigation, Harmonized Digital Forensic Investigation Process Model, Harmonized Digital Forensic Investigation, Call Detail Records.


Digital forensics gained significant importance over the past decade, due to the increase in the number of information security incidents over this time period. Further that our society is becoming more dependent on information technology. Digital forensics is the process of employing scientific principles and processes to analyze electronically stored information and determine the sequence of events which lead to an incident. Mobile forensics recovers digital evidences from a mobile device under forensically sound conditions based on accredited methods. The biggest challenges faced by the discipline are the ever-changing technology of mobile devices and the lack of a customary digital forensic investigation models. HDFI (Harmonized Digital Forensic Investigation) Process Model is currently premature; however, it is expected to qualify for ISO/IEC-27043 (International Standard Organization/International Electrotechnical Commission). This demands thorough testing of this model, by taking different types of the digital evidences plus various types of digital forensic investigations into account. CDRs (Call Detail Records) are very significant digital evidence that can contribute a towards a successful investigation and in achieving concrete results.  In this paper, HDFI Model has been evaluated using CDRs. The aim is to validate the said model in mobile forensic investigations using CDRs, as the basic digital evidence. An anonymous real-life case scenario is taken for the testing purpose and the CDRs analysis is successfully accommodated in the model. It is established that the model is reasonable enough to ensure the admissibility of the digital evidence in the court.

Author Biographies

KHAWERIS KHAULA, Military College of Signals, National University of Sciences & Technology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Military College of Signals

IMRAN TOUQIR, Military College of Signals, National University of Sciences & Technology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Military College of Signals

MUHAMMAD FAISAL AMJAD, Military College of Signals, National University of Sciences & Technology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Military College of Signals




How to Cite

KHAWERIS KHAULA, IMRAN TOUQIR, MUHAMMAD FAISAL AMJAD, and MUHAMMAD RIAZ MUGHAL, “Evaluating the Harmonized Digital Forensic Investigation Process Based on Call Detail Records”, INHRJ, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 35–40, Sep. 2020.