Real Time Extra Economic Dispatch For Renewable Energy Uncertainty Over IEEE Bus Bar
Economic Load Dispatch, Renewable Energy Resources.Abstract
Load prediction and power generation uncertainties are biggest challenges to economic dispatch of power at minimum operational cost of different energy sources since decades. The economic dispatch (ED) in hybrid power system is becoming an exciting research topic courtesy to weather reservations. In this article major challenges of Economic Dispatch are briefly reviewed i.e. planning, evaluation of demand, weather forecasting and security constrains, existing algorithms, unit commitment and reduction in carbon emissions. The proposed methodology consists of renewable, price, security and conventional resource sections and for each section a Real Time Extra Economic Dispatch model is presented to tackle aforementioned parameters. The System will be verified over IEEE 30-bus bar and six generators along with wind and solar units considered as non-schedulable. Scheduling period is considered as 60 min (six intervals, each of 10-min duration) to show the effects of sequential and dynamic approaches. This 10-min interval is subdivided into ten 1-min subintervals.